Bridging the Skills Gap

Shop owners and project managers are tackling today’s skilled labor shortage by finding solutions that allow them to maintain and often expand their cutting capacity to meet current demand. These solutions also need to position them for future success. OMAX’s OptiMAX abrasive waterjet meets both these requirements.

OptiMAX is designed to turn drawings into parts quickly with minimal reliance on highly experienced operators. Its intuitive software is user-friendly for all skill levels, enabling operators to start cutting with minimal training. The software also includes data-driven system monitoring to minimize downtime.

OptiMAX’s enhanced automation reduces the typical learning curve for new operators. It features a high-efficiency EnduroMAX pump that automatically sets the correct pressure and minimizes fluctuations, reducing operator responsibilities while improving component life. Additionally, its advanced motion control drive system enhances part accuracy without user intervention, boosting OptiMAX’s reliability.

Drawing on thirty years of engineering expertise and user experience, OptiMAX is designed to be an easy-to-use and versatile cutting system that meets today’s production demands. This same expertise also paves the way for the future, making the machine accessible for operators of any skill level. This accessibility allows shops to develop and recruit talent more effectively. With OptiMAX, managers can leverage OMAX’s unlimited free training for their entire team. From machine operation to software instruction, new hires can quickly build confidence and bridge the skill gap with veteran staff.

OptiMAX provides shops with a solution to address the current skilled labor shortage while also enabling future planning and development.